About Me
In 2019 after a very difficult set of events in my life I experienced what my mother and grandmother would call a “nervous breakdown”. This breakdown eventually led to my diagnosis of Bipolar I Disorder. I’m learning about my condition as I go along and learning to live a life that I didn’t know I was already living. “Bipolar Bear Blog.net” is all about learning how to understand Bipolar Disorder a little better and documents my trip (journey is so used up) through time. I created it because I wanted those who’d been diagnosed, those that haven’t and those that surround them both to better understand the disorder as I learn it and to know that they aren’t alone. It’s ok to be strange, abnormal and even a little “mad”. 🙂
Additionally, I’d like to learn more about others navigating a similar path affected by Bipolar Disorder. This is my Bipolar trip and the opinions contained in this blog are my own.
That being said, I’m not a doctor, therapist or medical professional. I don’t have experience or credentials to give professional advice for any condition. What you see is based on my experience and is not meant to provide authoritative guidance.
I’m happily married to an amazing man who’s loving, unfailingly patient and kind. He’s my rock and my best friend, my source for comfort, home and just joy in general. I enjoy writing and have many other hobbies and interests including music, survival skills, historical methods, art and craft activities and food to name a few. I also adore cats. I hope to share some of that with you along the way. I sometimes like to listen to music while writing so don’t be surprised if I include a note to indicate what I might be listening to at that time. 🙂
I’d like to say that in my life I try to project and to impress on others the need to “be kind”. I’m new to blogging so be willing to overlook some mistakes and be patient with my occasional ignorance. I’m learning as I go and it’s hard to bare your soul to the world. I’m a firm believer that if you project good into the universe it will inevitably come back to you.
If you think you or someone you know may be bipolar speak with a doctor or healthcare professional. It may require medication to lead a stable and balanced life. There are also quizzes online that are not for the purpose of diagnosis, but may help you talk with your doctor. .
What would you like to talk about?
Bipolar Disorder
This is my bipolar. These posts discuss bipolar disorder specifically.
Personal Logs
In these posts I talk about life in general and post thoughts and sometimes essays.
Weight Loss
My Weight Loss Journey
Credit Repair
My credit repair journey.